Tuesday, 23 January 2018

My Farewell Lunch With ADM

My emotion is almost taking over me when my remaining days in MC is drawing near. I dun deny that I am having this mixed feeling of ‘’leave and stay’’. I am very much looking forward to the next chapter of my life after I leaves but the thought of leaving my colleagues behind is quite painful.

When I was asked to choose a date for the farewell lunch during my trip to Japan, I was kind of caught in the fix. At that moment, there was some kind of shock wave came over me and at that time, I wanted to call my boss to ignore the resignation… hahahahahaha…

Today, I am lunching with this bunch of good people at Oscars and you know that I did not make that call. This people who I dined with are very close to me and they are the ones who stood by me during my darkness days in the office and cheering/celebrating with me in my happiest moments. I love them very much and they would be the ones I can’t bear to leave.

Friendships are built through years of trust and respect. When I leave this company, I will be missing all these beautiful people whom I worked with, had luncheons with, celebrations or even going through hard times with.  
Thank you for the wonderful lunch and our friendship will not end here just yet. I am sure we will continue to grow even though we are not seeing each other everyday but it’s always the trust and respect that will remains in our hearts forever.

I love you guys! Take good care and stay connected.

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