We passed by a pretty crowded steamboat restaurant opposite Bugis Junction and decided to settle that for dinner. It was steamboat buffet inclusive of free flow of drinks and dessert. We ordered the steamboat with hot plate so that we can fry some mushrooms and eggs. It was awesome fun.
Once the table was set up, we went to choose our dishes and man… the place where the food was placed was really small and crowded. I was wondering why they can’t expand the place area! It was like a small lane where only 3 or 4 people could be there at one time. Yes, that was how narrow…
Anyway, we managed to get our food and started cooking. I have always enjoyed steamboat be it with friends or family. It’s really a great dinner gathering where you could talk and cook your food at the same time without leaving your table.
Though it’s buffet style but somehow we can’t eat as much as men!!! We left some space for dessert and man… the ice-cream dessert was great. I had rum & raisins and it was delicious. I was actually surprised to find rum & raisins ice-cream served at the buffet where it is usually rare.
I seriously had communication breakdown with the Chinese working there as I was asking for a spoon; the waiter was uttering some weird language which I couldn’t figure out. Later did I realize that it was ‘spoon’ in their language! Aiyo… how the hell I know! The waiter said this ‘piao gen’. It sounded vulgar and I checked with my friends and Sheryl told me that he meant ‘Tiao gen’ which meant for ‘spoon’! I seriously hate it when I couldn’t understand them!
After dinner, we went to Bugis Junction to take the sticker pictures where we did 10 years ago! It was really fun but expensive though. Those were the days when we only paid like $4 and we had 4 pictures printed out but now, it costs $8 & $11 to have your pictures printed out. However, we took the pictures and we simply loved it. They were gorgeous and mmmh… guess I will take it again perhaps with my friends. We even made a pact that we will take every 10 years… hahaha…

Aiyooo.. the sticker pix s0 cute... hehe.
yepz.. let's go take some okie.. *winks*
Sure.. When we got pass-by d machine.. hehe...
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