Now, we visit hubby's aunties (mother in law side) and the good part of the visit was it is always a different family we visited every year. My mother in law has 5 sisters and they usually rotate their home for visitation.
We went hubby’s aunt at Sterling Road and this is one family that I am more familiar with. Audrey, the aunt’s daughter who has three lovely daughters is my neighbour. They are staying a block away from mine but we don’t meet often due to our timing.
Faith was enjoying herself playing with the three jie jies while hubby & I took the chance to have lunch in the kitchen. Mother in law helped to keep an eye on Faith too as she can be very naughty! Thankfully she was fully occupied by the toys given to her and the other kids that we enjoyed our lunch peacefully.
After my delicious lunch, I went back to the room and check out my little one and found Shevaun & Faith were enjoying themselves with the mandarin oranges. They were exchanging oranges and passing to the aunties in the room. It was quite a funny scene but it was pretty frustrating when you can’t seem to get the oranges out of their hands!
We headed for home early as Faith was tired after a busy afternoon at his aunt’s place. But she became so awake after her shower and started playing with her ‘friends’!!! I would say that today was a tiring day for us but I wonder where her energy came from after a long day without her usual afternoon nap!

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