Tuesday 17 January 2012

Faith Goes To School

Today is Faith’s first day of school… our little one was really excited about going to school when we dressed her up in her school uniform. She was so happy when I took out her school bag (her X’mas present from sister-in-law). She checked out her bag as if she wants to make sure that everything is intact.

When we arrived at her school, she started to cry and not wanting to enter. I brought her in and pretend to check out the place and when the teacher brought the kids to wash their hands, I told her to join them and I walked out of the school.

At first, we could still hear her cries but we noticed that she stopped crying when she was brought to the table and was given biscuits. The teacher signaled ‘OK’ to us but we still stayed for awhile before we left for home.

I returned to school to pick her up after a couple of hours and noticed that she is somehow quite settled. The teacher was trying to hand some items to her and gets her to put it on the cabinet. I was happy that she was responding well to the teacher’s instructions.

Happy Day 1 of school for Faith!

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