Friday, 27 January 2012

ADM CNY Reunion Dinner

It has been a yearly affair that we will organize a reunion dinner for the department. This year, we arranged dinner at Golden Peony after searching and comparing the menus with other restaurants.

We went to the restaurant after work on a Friday evening and with the set menu pre-ordered, we didn’t need to do much when we arrived. As usual, there were some late comers and dinner officially started at around 7:30pm.

Our first dish was the tossing of Yu Sheng and many well-wishes were spoken and we too hope for a great and blessed Dragon Year. After Yu Sheng, our shark’s fin with seafood and crab roe was served. It was indeed tasty but I felt guilty having shark’s fin soup…

I really love the baked fillet sea perch with mayonnaise and miso sauce; it was super delicious and soft that I would like to have a second serving! The next dish amazed everyone – the Suckling Pig. It was really the WHOLE PIGLET that was served on our table and it was really crispy good! We requested the waitress to have the meat to be cut into smaller pieces so that we could also have some of the meat. Linda tried the pig’s trotters and as well as the pig’s hand. She feedback that it was very tasty and the meat wasn’t oily.

The rest of the dishes were good but nothing much to talk about coz’ they were pretty normal. As for dessert, Linda & I were disappointed when we saw the portion our chilled cream of avocado topped with ice-cream shrunk! It was supposed to be served on a larger bowl but this one was small cup served with a piece of nian gao! Sighz… totally disappointed! Rie… you didn’t miss much!

Anyway, it was a great dinner as usual coz’ we were always in the world of our own; Right? Leng…

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