Friday, 22 January 2021

The Fabulous Eight

This is one of the events that most of us are looking forward to every year. Our crazy CNY gathering is infectious and super duper crazy. Yearly, I will book Spring Court for this special CNY dinner to celebrate CNY, January babies and as well as catching up with each other.


This year, we have limited members to attend as dining restriction only allows up to 8 diners at once. We used to have a table of 13-15 pax and this year, we had to cut members down to 8. Very unfortunate indeed. We arrived early to chill as usual while waiting for the rest of the members but this year, we are happy that all are on time or perhaps slightly late. 

We ordered our usual favorite dishes from Spring Court and though we are in the private room, we are not allowed to make noise… hahahaahahah… well, there were no karaoke means no singing and dancing like the previous years. Though there are no music or live performance by our very own Linda, we took the opportunity to sit and chat the night away. 

We are surprised that we had such an enjoyable night laughing our hearts out with no music, dancing, and silly performances. I think we are truly a bunch of comedians!!! Hahaahahahaha…. We laughed about anything and everything we shared over dinner, and I thought it was a nice catch up.


We celebrated Agnes and Kathrine’s birthday as usual only missing 2 other January babies. We remembered them as we sang the birthday song and we wished they were here too. 

With no music and dancing, dinner ended early as restaurant closed early too due to the covid restrictions. Though it was just 3.5 hours of gathering, we are happy that we can meet during this trying times. I do hope that we will have the rest of the members joining us next year. Let us work together and fight this stupid virus!

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