Flu, Fever and Sore Eyes are some of the illness that I hate most. Thanks to the moving desk last Saturday which caused my sore eyes. You must be wondering about moving desk part… yes, I have moved to another area (same office) due to the PUBLIC ENEMY in our office! Sigh… we all just hate to move our desk or working area but somehow or rather, some bosses seems to think it’s easy and fun to move around.
Anyway, I was back to the office on Saturday; ready to clean my desk and rearrange my stuff but to my horror, the contractors were still fixing the cables and telephone lines under our carpets and the tables were all over the place. There wasn’t too much dust around but somehow it will still get dusty whenever tables are moved and cables are fixed.
I waited for an hour for them to fix up everything and finally managed to rearrange all my files and my little ‘zoo’ within 2 hours.
I noticed that my eyes were red when I went for the Duck Tour on Sunday but thought it would go away by the next day. It did not but got worst. Yesterday afternoon, I felt pain on my right eye and at the same time I was having a headache. Initially, I thought I probably stared at my PC for too long but later did I realize that my eyes got redder!
I decided to consult the doctor after work and this silly doctor… sighz… he started to examine me by checking my blood pressure, my lungs and my eye-sight! My goodness… I wasn’t having fever or any other illness but sore eyes… I was wondering why can’t he go straight to the point! After my testing my eye-sight which was perfect by the way, he finally checked my eyes with the ‘EYE MACHINE’! Okay, I agreed he was thorough but I thought it was a bit too far off!
Anyway, that examination caused me 60 bucks man! I was totally in shock but paid anyway. I was given 2 different types of eye drops, one for infection and the other for dry eyes and was given a day medical leave.
I rested at home but work from home today! My eyes are much better today but hope it will get better tomorrow!!!
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