There comes a time when you tell yourself 'Enough is Enough'. Being too nice could be a bad thing after all as people around you will take advantages of you.
Bosses tend to think you can handle though you're already overloaded with your own work. They will never understand as they are the ones who are assigning all the work to us....Sigh...
I have been in a SUPER FOUL mood for the past couple of days though I don't really show them to everyone. It hasn't been good for me on those few HELL days which I had to multi-task though anyone who is not in my position may think it's just small issue. As usual, things will go wrong somewhere somehow...
It was only until yesterday when I realized that the frustration I had finally came to a boiling point where I had to voice out my unhappiness and anger in me. I have to say that it was really SHIOK when you let it out or you will probably develop heart problem if you don't.
In the MRT on the way back, was thinking about the whole matter that happened at work and feeling guilty for a moment for screaming at that person but ... then again, that 'unfortunate one' really deserved it la.. Stepped on the mines & was blown up...
why does all this sound oh too familiar?
when you are kind and offer help, people somehow take it for granted and assume you are ok with more on your plate. and suddenly, things become your 'baby'!
hang in there babes....in the meantime, here's hugs from me to you!
Yep... therefore, lesson learnt.
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