Traveling on the MRT can be annoying at times when you are looking forward to a pleasant day but witness some unpleasant behaviour by people around you.
During morning rush hours, it really makes me wonder why people love to stand at the LRT train door when seats are available. They were so inconsiderate when they refused to move even though they saw others were trying to get in. So, I call them 'The Train Bouncer'.
When the same group of people transfers to the MRT, strangely they were totally transformed to another type of people, 'The Seats Cheongsters'. I am not lying and exaggerating. As soon as the MRT train door opened, 'hungry' passengers rushed in and pushed their way through to put their butt on those empty seats. Some even ran.. yes, RUN to the empty seats. Doesn't that make you wonder..? 'One moment they were 'train door bouncer' and the next 'Seats Cheongsters'?
Apart from the two categories, there are also the 'Pretenders'. They are the ones who doze off deeply the moment they saw a pregnant woman or old folks entering the train. Aiyo lor..
There was an incident couple year’s back when my friend & I were waiting for the train at City Hall. She was pregnant then and when the train arrived, I saw a few adults who seated facing the door, closed their eyes and seemed to be sleeping soundly the moment they saw us. I told her to stand in front of them and said 'keep sleeping and may Freddie Kruger find you soon'. Guess what.. one of them actually woke up and gave up the seat to my friend. Well.. that line certainly worked for some...hahahaha..
People out there; make sure you give up your seats to those who need it more than you as you might want others to give up their seats to you one day. Be considerate and dun make yourself look ugly..
yeah ...
i totally remember that incident withcha'
it was hilarious!!!
you even went on to curse them by saying that you hope they'll have nightmares!
hahaha... it works worrrh...
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