Monday 11 May 2020

Happy Mother's Day

Circuit Breaker can be draining when you have to plan what to cook, buy or order for 3 meals daily. Today, we are almost out of ideas and decided to prepare simple western dishes for dinner.

Yearly, we celebrate Mother’s Day with the family but this year due to Covid-19, we were forced to stay home. Well, that did not stop us from celebrating this beautiful day.

With the help of the family, we whipped up quite a good meal. I cooked the pasta, risotto and the grilled salmon, while mum cooked the mushroom soup and the pizza was done by the kiddos. The kiddos had so much fun creating their own pizza with limited ingredients.

Though it was a simple celebration but it was the effort that everyone put in together that made the meal such a delicious and enjoyable one. 😊 What's more, our kiddos made us cards and then they behaved well for the whole day which is the best gift anyone could asked for. ðŸ˜Š

Happy Mother's Day!

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