Saturday, 18 April 2020

Camping Night

Circuit Breaker can be a time for more family time in a way and since it’s Full HBL and Pre-School closure, the kiddos found something interesting to keep themselves busy and creative.

After dinner, they started to build their own campsite for a sleepover. Yes… a SLEEPOVER… they were only given materials that can be found around the house and make their own campsite or their own fortress…. Wherever they called it.

It was really fun to see them building it together and Lady Faith did most of the building while little pumpkin went around the house to get the materials. Hahahaahahahah… the final result came after an hour and they were all set to hang out in their own fortress. :0)

It was a very simple but spacious area for their sleep over indeed. We asked if they really want to sleep in their fortress for the night and they were really excited about it and hurried to find comfort in their fortress.
It was lights off time and everyone heads back to the bedroom. About half an hour after I laid in bed, I checked on my CCTV and heard them chatting and overheard little pumpkin saying that she couldn’t sleep as I am not with her. Hahaahaahah…. Lady Faith tried to talk her to sleep but little pumpkin still not convinced.

An hour passed and little pumpkin was still awake while Lady Faith fast asleep. I went down and checked on her and she was so happy to see me and requested me to sleep in her tent… hahaahahah… I rejected her and told her that my bed is more comfortable… she gave me the ‘Puss In Boots’ look and asked if she can follow me to bed instead but not to tell Lady Faith… hahahaahahahah…

I brought her up to bed and she was already sleeping when I returned from my toilet break…

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