Monday 4 May 2009

Post Secretary Luncheon

Secretary’s week falls on the last week of April every year. Minowa-san, our boss who has been travelling on business trips was away during that week. Finally today, we were invited to lunch for this post celebration.

We included Rie today as he promised to bring her to have Peranakan cuisine. We went to Ivin’s at Upper Thomson Road. This is one place where I enjoyed their beef rendang. It’s delicious man!

We ordered curry fish head (extra spicy), sambal lady’s fingers, otah, fish maw soup, claypot mixed vegetables, beef rendang, ayam gorgeng and sambal sotong. So YUMMY!

Our food was served shortly as it wasn’t crowded. We simply enjoyed the curry fish head but it wasn’t spicy enough though we requested it to be cooked extra spicy! As for me, my favorite would be the beef rendang, it was SUPER YUMMY! The rest of the food was great too…*drool*

Mmh… will definitely be back for dinner with hubby again.


baubles bangles and beads said...

been a LONG time since I sank my teeth into beef rendang.


Just Me said...

I love their beef rendang too. Simply delicious. Although their servings are small, but somehow everytime we eat there sure very full. Their lemak dishes are yummy too!

Vee said...

Oh yes... the beef rendang was fantastic...i can finish one claypot on my own... hahahaha