The donut craze for Factory Donut at Carrefour finally mellowed down after the opening of Munchy Donut at Millenia Walk. Those were the days when you will find long queues at Carrefour but now, you won’t even need to queue and you will be able to get most of your favourite donuts.
After our lunch at Suntec Fountain, Julia decided to get Indian Tea at a small corner in Carrefour which we named that area ‘Little India’. Angela who just returned to office after her 3 months maternity leave went to check out the Factory Donut and would want to try her luck of getting them.
To our surprise, she managed to buy ½ dozen just by queuing for less than 10 minutes during lunch hour though there wasn’t much choices. I was tempted to buy but decided not to queue as Angie already bought it for us.
Then around tea-time, errmm… around 4pm, we decided to have our donuts. I picked my favourite White Chocolate & Strawberry, Jessie took Chocolate Mint, Julia & Angie had the White Chocolate & Orange. They were delicious.

After work before heading to Conrad for our site inspection, Angie decided to try Munchy Donut and we queued for it AGAIN! Anyway, it was a breeze through lah… only 5 people in the queue. I bought 3 donuts (Oreo, Cheese & Coca Pops) for mum and hubby. Man… they were delicious too.

DONUT DONUT oh DONUTS...hErE I cOme.. im in love with the 'DONUT FACTORY' ORANGE WHITE CHOCZ.. It is so delicious.. MUST TRY MUST TRY
aiyo angie, errm.. alright, i will definitely give it a try..
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