Had a totally weird dream last night and in fact, you could either classify it under either a comedy or perhaps a nightmare?
Don’t even ask me how my dream started coz did’ I didn’t plan for it. In my dream, I was in a shopping with my usual suspects – haahaha... you know who you are la… Theresa as usual was checking out those cosmetics and bags, Eliz & Vivian were checking out some clothes, while I was looking at TOYS! Man… that’s not Toys R Us we were at. It was some departmental store which looked extremely gorgeous.
Usually, you see people that you don’t know in your dreams and find them familiar when you meet them on the streets. Yes, I have many unfamiliar faces in my dream but what do you expect, it’s a departmental store!
Alright, now the best part is almost approaching… while we were all busy looking at our own preferred items, there was an announcement from the PA informing us that we have to evacuate from the building as we are under ATTACK!
My goodness… the normal reaction of many in real life will be in chaos situation but in this dream, we were still calm and continued to queue for our purchases… how cool is that…
Not long later, we were told we had to leave the place immediately and many patrons left in a calm manner. No screams no pushing… Then we heard airplanes above us and started to panic if we will be bombed! Obviously, we don’t want to die in the departmental store or we will be in the news ‘Shop Till You Part’!! We ran for our life but the motion was really slow and steady. We were ushered to the top of the building (wondered why as there were airplanes all over the skies).
Finally, we ran for our life and reached the edge of the building top, we were then asked to jump down the building with a rope! While all of us were reaching for our ropes, suddenly Vivian’s rope was loosened and she glided down the building without control… Theresa & I immediately glided down with our ropes as fast as we could to catch hold of Vivian’s rope and eventually saved her life (Saving Private Vivian)! WOWWWWWW… Vian, you better be grateful to us hor…
I think all those Superhero movies must have gotten into me! I woke up pondering what had happened and I really felt strange… well… dreams are meant to be strange, aren’t they.
power sia.. hehe..
ya man... tell me abt it!
you must've had a full meal consisting of assam fish head and ha cheong kai before going to bed lah!
having said that, was imagining myself gliding from the rope and rescuing a life somemore! eh, kinda cool huh?!
quick question - was i in a cool black patent outfit with boots or?
biang eh.. couldn't recall what you were wearing la.. but juz knowing that you were busy shopping la..
are you trying to tell me that you are 'Catwoman' Twin?
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