Saturday, 30 November 2019

Emma’s FIFTH Birthday Celebration

I never like numbers and definitely did not have good impression of Numbers when our kids are growing too fast! Their numbers jump from a single digit to soon double digits. Sighz…. I am not able to accept that my youngest little pumpkin will be turning FIVE next week!!! Geezzz…. Why the earth has to move so fast!!!

As we will be out of town next week during baby girl’s birthday, we decided to have her celebration today at Swensen’s. She has been looking forward to this birthday party since the day we announced the good news to her. We were happy to include some of her school mates this time and it brightened up her mood further.

Swensen’s at NEX has this private area where they used for private functions and it just fit us perfectly for our group. I arranged a magician as the entertainment for all and it was pretty good actually though some of the magic tricks were kind of cheesy… hahahahaah…

The kids had so much fun getting involved in the magic show being playing as an assistant to the magician or doing a trick with him. Even parents were involved… hahaahahah…

We were really happy that the party went on very well and everyone in the house enjoyed the show and the food. It was also a great gathering for friends, family and also for little pumpkin to bond with her friends. It is always great to see your guest enjoying themselves at the party. 😊

After the magic show, the host helped us to prepare for cake cutting ceremony and it did not take long for all the kids to gather around the table. We could see little pumpkin’s joy from within and she was really happy to have all her friends to be there to celebrate her birthday with her.

The kids continued to play among themselves for a short while after the cake cutting and it was time to bid goodbye to all our guest and head for home. 😊 It was an amazingly fun party!
Thank you everyone who came for the party. We than you for your presence that made the difference and your lovely gifts. 😊

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