Saturday 15 February 2014

Gathering At The Tans’

The Tans’ kindly organized a gathering for the group as we did not get to meet during CNY and with that, we also took the opportunity to celebrate their son’s Ethan’s birthday in advance.

They prepared steamboat for dinner and man….the spread was fantastic! There were two types of soup base; laska and chicken soup. We prepared the food for the kiddos so that we can enjoy our adult dinner in peace later. hhahahaahahaah
It was a great and enjoyable gathering as usual where we got to sit around and chat the night away. While the ladies were having our own crazy conversation, the guys were chilling out at the balcony talking about holidays and cars…
We surprised Ethan with the birthday cake and we could see happiness written on his face when he saw the cake. Everyone joined in to sing him a birthday song though it was about 2 weeks before his actual birthday.
Thank you Theresa & Zen for having us to this wonderful occasion!

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