Saturday 23 March 2013

Quality Time With Faith

Before heading to mother in law’s place, I brought Faith for a walk at Vivo City since my mum was busy and not joining us. We left our home earlier than usual so that I can do some shopping with little Faith.

As she grows, she seems to enjoy shopping and lately learnt how to choose her own clothing and toys. However, I did not buy everything that she chose of course! Today, it was just window shopping.

When we passed a cake shop at the basement, she requested to have chocolate cakes. So, we went to Awfully Chocolate for her afternoon snack. Though they did not have high chair for kids, I decided to sit on their high chair for adults.

Bought a slice of the chocolate cake and Faith was enjoying the cake by herself. While she was having that cake, she asked “mama, you don’t like chocolate cake?” and I nodded my head. She then said “orrh… okay, Tabi like” and continued to enjoy her cake.

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