Saturday, 24 June 2017

Our Once Flower Girl Is Officially Married

I was overwhelmed by the news of once our flower girl for our wedding is getting married. I have seen her grow into a beautiful fine lady and it was back then when I remembered I used to join Theresa to baby sit her while her mum is busy with work.

When I got married with Leslie back in year 2000, I asked her mum to allow her to be our flower girl and she was one of the most beautiful flower girls I have seen. J I remembered her as a child but now, I was filled with awe when I saw her walking down the aisle with the man she decides to spend the rest of her life with.
The wedding was beautiful and I was fighting back joyful tears when they exchanged their wedding vows which reminded me of my own. So beautiful, So pure and So LOVE. Though we weren’t family but I do feel the connection with them.

The kids were happy to attend the wedding as they regarded the bride as the princess while the groom as the prince… hahahaah… it’s like a fairytale to them especially Lady Faith. I do love weddings too and it was really nice to catch up with friends whom you haven’t met for a long time.

Hoon Jie, a close friend whom we don’t get to meet often was present and I was overjoyed to see her after such a long time but unfortunately we weren’t able to stay long as hubby has other church engagement to attend to.

Anyway, we would like to wish this beautiful couple a blessed marriage and may God always watch over the two of you!

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