Saturday, 19 December 2015

MC Annual D&D 2016

This year’s D&D is slightly different from the usual as we celebrated MC’s 60th Anniversary during our event. Many programs were aligned for this special occasion and I would say I am very happy to be part of the committee.

Since the theme is Glamorous 60th so, we requested my best buddy Rie to do our make up for the night and man…. she did such a fantastic job! Not only that she was our MUA but also the partner of Jessie so that she can join us for the dinner too.

The crowd tonight for the event made an historical number of 440 guests which is one of the highest numbers! Though the ballroom was able to accommodate maximum tables of 42, we somehow managed to squeeze everyone in and there were still room for walking. J

The night began with the Taiko Drum as the opening and followed by GM’s speech, Long Service Awards and we arranged a cake cutting ceremony to mark the 60th Anniversary for our company. The cake was distributed to every table after the ceremony and was really happy that it was enough to feed all. J
Before the dinner was served, there was a slide presentation of our company’s history back from 1955 when our company was established. I was happy that everyone enjoyed the slides which I had prepared and I did received good comments for it too. J Woohoo!!!
I was able to enjoy the dinner with old colleagues as we invited the pioneers to join us and with their company, it made the event even more special. The program did not bore us as there were many performances by staff and we added bonus draws in between the dinner to surprise our guest. Besides the bonus draws, we too prepare 25 lucky draw prizes compared to the usual 20 prizes. :0)
The entertainer that we chose for the night really brought the whole event to the highest point of joy. Charles the beatboxer, who did such a fantastic job and the whole ballroom, was filled with excitement and everyone was so attentive to his performance. For me, I wanted to bring him home to be my personal radio…. Hahaahahahaha
Thought it was just a few hours of fun but at the end of the event, I felt a sense of relieve and satisfaction for it went very well. I really want to thank the SUPER DUPER GOOD MC Joshua Tan who made the inactive crowd to join in all the games and making them enjoyed the event! Thumps Up! 

A big THANK YOU to my fellow committee members who worked so hard for this event and deep appreciate your kind effort and cooperation!  Cheers!

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