Saturday, 4 August 2012

Durian Cake Attempt

I bought some durians back after the party on Thursday night and I have about 6 seeds left over by mum & hubby.

I had the recipe from the internet and decided to give it a shot to bake cake with the left over seeds. Mum helped me to remove the flesh while I prepared all ingredients for cake baking. I was surprised how much durian flesh mum gathered from the six seeds and I blended the flesh with some whipping cream to have a smoother effect.

Overall, the cake turned out pretty well and it had good reviews from parents in law, sis-in-laws. We tried it after our dinner and indeed, it tasted pretty good but of course, I can’t compare to Jane’s Cake Station or Goodwood Park…

I was also told that both niece & nephew enjoyed it so much they each had 2 big pieces. YUMS… I guess it’s time to take up some good baking lessons…*winks*

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