Today marks exactly one month to work! Sighz…. Yes, I am seriously feeling the drag to work even I know that I have 30 days more to enjoy my quality time with baby Faith.
It’s been a great three months of maternity leave where I got to enjoy every minute with her. I was there when she cried for milk in the wee hours of the night, playing with her after her milk and shower her every morning. It was indeed a great motherhood experience.
I noticed that she started making those noises (like as if she is talking to us) when she was about two months one week. She seemed to understand when she told her that we were busy and somehow she yawned herself to sleep… hahahahaahah
I believed I will be missing those private moments with her in the morning when I will wake up with her by my side. Those times when she smiles at you though she is already awake for milk while you are still pretending to be asleep and not crying. Those are some wonderful moments I treasured and can’t wait to be there…
Heading back to office is like ending a wonderful and enjoyable long holiday and going back to earth. To work with a HELL boss is a total disaster to start with and those long drag hours at office facing him and work is another nightmare! I have no freaking idea if I can tolerate his nonsense but I do know that nothing is more important than my little precious baby Faith.
Honestly, I am totally not looking forward to return to office though I missed my colleagues and friends very much. They were the ones who motivated me to work everyday and I will surely miss them dearly if one day I give up on that bastard and be a stay home mum.
Reality is, I have to return to office after serving my four months maternity leaves. No doubt about that and there is nothing much I can do unless I extend my leaves…. Sighz…
Till then…I will cherish my time at home…