I did a short recap with the music ministry and went to take loads of funny pictures before the actual event started. I was totally excited to find out if I will be touched by the Holy Spirit once again.

We started off with the opening song, prayers and then blessing of the bread & wine for the Agape Meal. Right after that, it was the breaking of the bread and passing on the wine. I got to tell you… the bread is simply delicious; it had some olive oil in it which made it tasty even on its own. Then the leaders of each group came forward to receive the light from the Easter Candle which signified Christ if our light.

After the talk by Nicky Gumbel, we started our main dish which was the ‘in filling of Holy Spirit’. While we sing, some guest came forward for the praying over and it was great to see non-Christians going forward too.
While we were singing, I noticed that Emily who was my co-singer suddenly sang quite loudly till the guest started looking at us like as if we needed their attention. It was not too long after that I felt a cold air at my feet and I turned around but there were no fan or any sort of air around. I turned to tell Emily that I was feeling cold air around my feet and she looked at me and smiled saying ‘that’s the Holy Spirit my dear’. She in returned asked me if she sang really loud a few minutes ago and I shyly told her ‘Yes’ and we laughed.
It was how strange the Holy Spirit works around different people. I was really glad to be touched once again coz’ it was definitely a great feeling and experience money can’t buy.

Praise to you God The Almighty!
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