Monday, 10 August 2015

Emma's First Solid Food Experience

Baby Emma is already 8 months old and my mum has decided to start her on solid food though there is no sign of teeth yet… mum prepared the porridge and had it blended till it was smooth enough for her consumption.

She was curious of course for the first time as she did not expect to be seated instead of lying in my arms for her milk. Emma starred at my mum for a moment when she showed her the bowl of porridge and not sure what was in it. My mum started to feed her on a small spoonful but somehow Emma was not sure how to swallow her food and messed up her mouth…
It was quite a cute sight but it did not take her long to learn to accept the porridge. She would stick out her tongue after each spoonful of porridge and patiently waited for the next. It took my mum quite a while to feed her.

We were happy to see her smile after she finished the whole bowl of porridge. She seemed very satisfied…

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