Saturday, 25 July 2015

Fireworks Display At NDP Preview

I tried to ballot for the NDP tickets for both preview and actual day since it’s our 50th Birthday but to my disappointment, I was not chosen. L

However, we took the effort to bring the kiddos for a night-out on a Saturday night to view the beautiful fireworks at the Marina Bay area. We had our dinner at City Hall and took a slow walk towards Esplanade to get a closer look at the fireworks.
 There were a few fireworks displayed during the NDP preview and at the stroke of Eight-Thirty, the night sky were lighted up with a huge ball of fireworks. Not only that the skies were lighted up, the buildings around the area were lighted up too.  

Faith was on high spirits seeing the fireworks display while little Emma was somehow frozen at the noise. She did not cry but was kind of stunned.

I wish that I will be able to get tickets to the NDP to watch it LIVE in the near future. 

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