Friday, 10 May 2013

A Pleasant Surprise

I decided to be home earlier to finish up some packing for our weekend trip to Malacca than to shop around after a long days’ of work…

After dinner, I sat down to chill with Faith while she was watching her shows on YouTube. She was showing me some other videos like how they made a rainbow cakes & cupcakes. This is the usual quality time I can spend with her daily after work.

When her papa returned from his dinner at his parents’ place, she told him to open the store room to get her school bag. Hubby was puzzled and did as he was instructed. She opened up the bag and brought out a card… she then held papa’s hand and walked to me saying… “Mummy, I made this for you… this is my heart… you see, nice?” I was really touched by the gestures and how thoughtful my little wonder was.

I asked her if she did that all by herself and she told me that Teacher Priya helped her to write the words and she did the decorations… Cool stuff…

Thank you darling for the lovely Mother’s Day card which made the occasion such a meaningful one!!! I love you very much little wonder!

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