Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Site Inspection At Park Royal Beach Road

This site inspection was planned and postponed for a couple of times and today, we finally made it. Jessie kindly arranged both site inspection and dinner with the hotel.

When we arrived in the early evening, the lobby looked different from the last time we visited like couple of years back. It is cozier now and the lighting made us feel more comfortable after a long day of work.

Katherine & Don who in-charged of our accounts brought us around to view the hotel. The deluxe room was fully refurnished and looked much better than before. We are simply impressed by their premier room which has a huge balcony and the cool bathroom.

After the site inspection, we were invited to dinner and it was my first time trying the ‘white tuna’ and man… it actually beat Salmon flat man… the taste was awesome, very smooth and super good!

Thank you Jessie for the wonderful arrangements.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

I like the room. Very nice!