This is one musical that I missed when it first visited Singapore years back… I chose Phantom over Cats…
I was overjoyed and excited when I was given a pair of free tickets to watch this musical. It was known as one of the greatest and fun musical of all time. Therefore, I took time out to watch it with hubby.
The musical began at 8pm sharp and I was shocked by the ‘Cats’ even at the beginning! They actually came close to you and mingle like real cats… I could see their face make-up “UP CLOSED” and man… that was really shocking! Their costumes were simply sexy and colorful too.
During the break, while I was returning to my seat, I was shocked again by one of the ‘cats’ lying on the corner of the upper deck seats. It was starring right at me and then started to grin! My goodness… though I know that they are humans in Cat suits but… it was scary enough.
I simply enjoyed the Part II as the dance and songs were great. I must say that the ‘Rock Cat’ was my favorite as it was really cute and cool! I bet the audience loved him too. What I enjoyed most about Cats was the costumes, make-up, songs, dances and most of it… you get to see them near you!
The two and a half hour show was simply fantastic and time passed so fast when you are enjoying.
Thumps Up for Cats!
Free tix from Conrad ah?
hahaahahaha... Shhhhh....
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