When I was little, I used to attend Sunday school at Canaan Church with my cousins. My parents & relatives will attend their Sunday worship services.
I thoroughly enjoyed my Sunday school time as I made lots of friends and had fun with those games and songs the teacher taught. Though it was an hour of fun and games, I do learn about the Christian faith through songs, games & teachings by the teacher.
I graduated from Sunday school and started to attend worship services. Been to the services but wasn’t faithful about it and soon after, I stopped. In the year 1997, I was baptized as a Roman Catholic after attending 1 full year of R.C.I.A. Since then, I have been attending weekly mass and all the events like Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Christmas, etc…
Today, I was invited by my mum to join her for this special occasion at CHIJMES where Canaan Church celebrates its 34th birthday. When we arrived, we were ushered to our table by my cousin Lai Kuan who was in-charge of reception area. I saw many familiar faces and some of the aunties remembered me and we talked about my younger days.
Though I am not attending this church anymore, I felt very happy that it survived through all the hard times they were facing and now, it has become a bigger church, from a single level bungalow to a 4 storey high building. I am glad that my mum brought me along to this celebration and it allows me to catch up with some old friends or Sunday school classmates. It was indeed an enjoyable afternoon.
1 comment:
Hey, that looks like a familiar place...haha...you know what i mean..
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