Sunday, 22 November 2020

Little Pumpkin Is Turning SIX

Time is really brutal!! I cannot swallow that my little pumpkin will be turning SIX soooooooooooooooo SOON!!! It has been a super JOYFUL 5 years plus taking care of this little witty and cheeky little pumpkin. I remembered the day that she was born and she did not take her own sweet time to swim out of me but with just merely 5 pushes. Doctor announced and showed me when she was out which surprised me that it was so swift and effortless.

Today, we are celebrating this little one at the comfort of our home as the restrictions for parties are still at their least. I think celebrating birthdays at home can be the best as we can prepare whatever food we want and no travelling whatsoever too. All in one place! 😊

Prior to the party, I made some cupcakes for her birthday celebration at school and had kept some of the figurines for today’s party too. She loves the cakes and the figurines as they are her current favourite cartoons. 😊 hahahaha… not sure how long she will take them as her favourites.

Though there were no games and activities at home party, little pumpkin is happy to spend time to play with her cousins. They planned their own games and even turned their bedroom into TimeZone! Hahahaahahah… well, kids has the creativity in them that they can turn anything into a playground. 😊

At the end of the day, little pumpkin was overjoyed with the party we planned for her and she said that she wouldn’t mind having her birthday parties at home in the future as she said that she has all the toys in the house to share with her cousins and play with them with no time limit. 😊 hahaahahahah…

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