Monday, 19 October 2020

Extended Family Members Gathering

Who do I call my extended family members? Well, they are somehow or rather related to me in some ways or another. Well, from God-mas to god-dotters and God-grandma… hahahaha… well, that’s what I called extended family members. 😊

Anyway, we will try means and ways to get-together for bonding session and well, it can be anytime and anywhere or any occasion. This time, we did our long-awaited gathering at my place and at the same time, we celebrated mummy Florence’s birthday.

Usually, we will have some mahjong sessions while the kids played in the room. This time, we decided to give the MJ a miss and sat around the dinning table for our tea and chat the afternoon away. There were so much stuff to catch up and it was also good to know what is happening in our office though we may not be working in that company anymore.

Through the years, many things has changed and even many staff left the company like myself but I am very happy and blessed that I am still so close to my extended family members and some other colleagues whom I still keeping in touch with. I always believe that though time may pass so quickly but true friendships will always walk you to the end of your time. 😊

Happy blessed birthday mummy Flo and I want to thank you for your beautiful friendship and love for me. You are always there to hear my worst problems and helped me through and share those happy moments with me too. I thank God for you and may you continue to stay blessed. 😊 love you!

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