Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Birthday and Valentine’s Lunch

It’s almost St. Valentine’s Day and I made some muffins for my buddies in the office and can’t wait to meet them for lunchie.

As usual, we are back at Kith Millenia Walk again and this time, I am happy to have Koko to join us for lunch. She is always busy with work and it’s really hard to get her out of the office on time to lunch together. I do hope that her work will be less stressful so she has more time to spend with friends and colleagues.

I am really touched that they celebrated my birthday though it’s a date late but it’s the thought that counts and I felt the LOVE! Hahahaahahah…. Thanks KK for the delicious cake from Conrad!!! So delicious but pretty expensive too! We did not waste a bit… we finished the whole cake and in return, I gave them my love muffins as their Valentine’s Day gift. 😊
I am ever so thankful for having such great pals whom I grew with during my days at MC and very happy that we are still so close though we do not meet as often as we would love to due to our own commitments. I wish you guys to stay healthy and Covid-19 FREE.
Let’s meet up again soon! Love you guys!

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