Monday, 5 March 2018

Wall Rope Yoga

It’s been almost a year practicing Wall Rope Yoga with my bud Linda who is a senior yogi now. I remembered it was such a nightmare on my 1st visit as it was pretty tough compared to the normal or basic yoga I tried in the past.

The 10 minutes of warming up with light stretching to the sun salutations were nightmares and not forgetting those severe body aches the following days. I am actually happy to see body reacts pretty well today to the warm ups and the sun salutations (though I am not really liking it) and I am able to ease through them and also some of the stretches.

I always believed that it will take effort for everything and exercise is one of them. With regular practice, I am pretty sure I will be able to some stretches which never occurs to me in the past and today, I managed to make it to some. 😊  
Thanks to Linda who introduced this cool workout which is tough but yet fun at the same time as the master was really funny at times. Let’s Yoga!

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