Tuesday 9 April 2013

Meeting Up Old Friends

It is always nice to know that friends you have known for ages and who are staying overseas are back to SIN on holiday. This very old & good friend of mine is back in town on a holiday with his family.

I knew about their visit a month ago and we tried to arrange time to meet up since we have not seen each other for more than 18 years. I remembered when he left SIN for the U.S of A, I was only 15 years old and I went to the airport to see them off. Man… that was such a long time ago!

I know that their schedules in SIN will be much tied as they have tons of people they got to meet and yes, I am one of the lucky ones. I took some time to meet with them since they had time to spare before their appointment.
It was certainly great to meet up with old friends and knowing that their dad still remembers me. We sat to chat for a while though I know we will meet again tomorrow for dinner. Alex hasn’t changed a bit but Otto, his younger brother definitely did! I remembered the last time I saw him in the US, he had long hair and looked like Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire and this time, he looked better than Brad Pitt! SUPER CUTE!
Though it was a short meeting due to time constrained but I am happy to know that we are still meeting up for dinner again tomorrow. Yippy!

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