Sunday, 8 April 2012

Julia’s First Birthday

We were invited to join the birthday celebration of little Julia. The proud parents held the party at Evelyn’s place (Vivian’s sista) where they booked a function room.

Evelyn’s new nest Clover By The Park is located at the expensive district… Bishan. The place is beautifully designed with garden, 2 fun pools and 1 lap pool. We really like the function room that was well equipped with an oven. Met up with my colleague Linda who is staying there too..

When we arrived, some of my friends were already there. They ordered the delicious buffet spread from Chili Padi and I really enjoyed the beef rengdang. I was blessed that handsome Jayren was there to entertain Faith and took pretty good care of her.

Baby Julia was behaving very well and seemed to be very happy. She was smiling to everyone who greeted her… very good! When everyone was more or less settled down and had their lunch, the couple began the birthday celebration by inviting us to gather for the birthday song.

Congratulations Vivan & Jason and thanks for having us to be part of this celebration on Easter Sunday!

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