I finally went for the Alpha Course which was invited by my childhood friend Susan. She has been telling me about the course and how people who attended experienced the Holy Spirit.
A few years back, I too heard a lot from my buddy Elizabeth who attended with her hubby and she actually experienced the Holy Spirit. I was thrilled to hear that but couldn’t find time to join the course. I have to admit that I was lazy and wasn't interested in courses organized by church. I felt like a total failure as Catholic.
Guess it was God’s calling for me to join this time as I faced a rough journey in my life recently and I am sure God is try to tell me something through his messengers. Susan continued to invite me though I have turned her down quite a number of times. Eventually, I signed up and attended the 1st lesson last night.

I was excited to visit Blessed Sacrament Church as my hubby & I got baptized in that church. The Catholic Farm is gone but the beautifully renovated Damien Hall amazed me. It really reminded me of those days when I rushed to church for my RCIA after work.
Registered ourselves at Damien Hall where the course was held. We were given a group name and hubby & I were in the group of my favorite flower, Sunflower. It was really all planned by his Almighty who knows me so well. I was quite disappointed that my best buddies Theresa & Zen were not in our group as Susan is in our group as a helper.
Dinner was served and we sat in our groups where there were exchanged conversation and getting to know each other. It was like school days where you get to meet different people and will get to know them better through the 10 weeks course.
Alpha course started off with a brief introduction of what we will be expecting in the coming weeks and then followed by the talk by Rev. Nicky Gumbel on video.

I am certainly looking forward to build my relationship with the Jesus and I want to experience the Holy Spirit.
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