A dinner date with my God-brother ½ year late was finally accomplished last night. Both of us were busy with our own work and commitment and realized that the ‘date’ was really overdue. Somehow, we managed to fix and met up last night.
Our meeting venue was Tampines Mall (our usual meeting place as it’s convenient for us to head home). Together with Julia, we had dinner at Pasta Mania which was good and enjoyable especially the pastas there…
It has always been fun to dine with my God-brother as he is such a funny guy! With a great sense of humor, he never failed to make us laugh, at times at himself! Hahahaaha… When women power is concern, he usually loose out on conversation ‘fight’ hahahahaah which usually made us very happy!
After dinner, took on his ‘Pokemon’ car to Jalan Kayu for kopi. Aiyo.. my God-bro’s car huh… super MODIFIED lor… the car bonnet is of a different color from the car (like superman wearing his undies outside). It was really weird and told him that he has left his undies outside! Well, his car skirting was fine and nicely done. The ultimate… his car has 2 exhausts… cool la but one of them is fake lor… aiyo... I have to tell you lor... this bro of mine is damn funny la...
Honestly, I have never seen anyone’s car which has so many car kit accessories installed. I think the only thing that is missing from his car is curtains for his windows!!
Our kopi session was great as we sat and had our Dinosaurs drinks. My dinosaur holick was awesome man which is a must try for you people out there who haven’t. It was really fun having a dinner and kopi session with bro once in a while… (ooppsss... I think more like once in ½ year!) Hahahaaha…
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