Friday, 6 July 2018

Dinner Gathering With Buddies

I am really happy that we are able to meet up for dinner despite everyone’s busy schedule. I am happy to introduce Golden Spoon to Inez (my god-dotter) who has never been there before. I fully depended on Leng to order the food and she definitely did not let down.
It was a great evening of laughter over dinner and the newly introduced Choya drink from Inez which matched so well with our dinner. As dinner ended early so hubby & I invited them over to our place to chill.

The kids were happy to see their God-ma and it gave me the opportunity to introduce their God-sista Inez to them and little Pumpkin hit it off so well with her almost immediately. They were playing together and happily taking pictures with each other. 
Let’s meet up more often guys…

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