Saturday, 22 July 2017

Well Done Lady Faith!

Our Lady Faith received her merit silver award for her ballet exams today and she was really excited to share the news with us while we were waiting outside her classroom.

The first thing she said when she saw me was, “mummy, look, I received my certificate and silver medal for my ballet exam, are you happy that I got silver instead of gold?” I was actually happy even though there were no medals or certificate coz’ I am proud of her for going through the 6 months training where she actually scarified her bonding time with her cousins & grandparents on Sunday evenings.
It was the effort that I am proud of and that is considered achieving GOLD medal. I did asked her if she would like to continue with the exam next year and she replied me with an immediate firm reply that she would like to take it again and try to get a Gold medal. J

Thumps up Gal! Love you to bits….

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