Thursday, 16 March 2017


Lady Faith used to be a Number ONE fan of Hi-5 when she is little and now, so is little Emi. She has been watching the series since she was exposed to TV at the tender age of 1 year old. At that time, our lady Faith was still a fan but today, she has outgrown that series.

We found out that the Hi-5 cast are in town and we decided to bring little Emi to watch the show since she requested to see ‘Bi-Por’ so much. Well, her ‘Bi-Por’ is the robot from the series and she found her very funny!

When we arrived at City Square Mall on a weekday afternoon, we were surprised that there was a huge crowd already occupying the space provided infront of the stage. We too decided to get a sit to too since it was 45 minutes to the show. It was pretty hard to keep both of them still as there wasn’t much we can do but to sit and wait….

Emma was super excited to see some of the crew came to prepare the props for the show and she shouted to me saying “Mummy, look, it’s CHATS” with a huge smile on her face. That was priceless and it’s such a joy to them being happy.
The show started with their popular songs and all the kids in the house were dancing on her feet singing along with the cast. It was such great fun to see all the kids enjoying themselves and I do wish that I can spend such carefree life… hahahaahah…

It was indeed a wonderful 30 minutes show and our two kiddos had a ball of a time. Little Emma was thrilled and she went on telling me how much she enjoyed the show and she was so happy that she saw ‘Bi-Por’… hahahaahahaha

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