On our way to the hospital, I was praying for a smooth and speedy delivery; at the same time, I was really in fear… as I have no idea what will be happening. Anyway, the usual journey to KK was extremely fast as the traffic was unusually SMOOTH!
When I arrived at the Delivery Suite, my heart was pounding and man… I thought my heart is almost popping out! The nurse brought me to the observation room and got me induced… while waiting for the medication to work on me… I was playing games with friends to get myself distracted! When the nurse came and checked on me, she told me that I was already 2.5cm dilated. Not long after, I was sent up to my room to rest and they continued to monitor me.
When evening came, the nurse was back and sent me down to check on my dilation. At that moment, the nurse was surprised that I wasn’t feeling any pain when she found out that I was already 3.5cm dilated. I was then sent to Labour Ward and the doctor broke my water bag to get the contraction going…
I wasn’t that hero and I immediately asked for epidural to avoid the pain! It wasn’t long after when I was in labour… however, I didn’t feel the pain at all and was still playing my game on iPhone and watching American Idol!!! Hahahaahah…. Then while I was half way watching American Idol, I suddenly felt a terrible pain at my tummy and YES, like all my friends told me… MENSES CRAMP but 100 Times!!! For that moment, I thought the epidural had finished!! I started to add another dose to it and I felt better after that.
At about 11:20pm, the nurse came and checked on me, told me that I was already fully dilated and it’s time to try pushing. It was then when I started a practice pushing session and it went quite well after about 20 minutes. I didn’t give up and started to push when the monitor indicated I had contraction.
Little Faith finally arrived after 1 hour of pushing!! I was relieved when I felt her out of my tummy and overjoyed to see little Faith staring at me… it was indeed a wonderful feeling.

Congratulation VEE!
Ber Ber
thanks dearest...
congrats congrats congrats again!!!!
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