Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Goodbye Ariston Hello Fisher!

It was 9 years ago when we first set sight on the ‘manly’ 1.8m in height Ariston at Mayer. It was simply love at first sight for both of us. When we bought it and we can’t wait to have it seated nicely in our kitchen.

9 years later, we had to say goodbye… my faithful and wonderful Ariston had to make way for our new found love Fisher & Paykel. It broke down once and we tried to save it; managed to keep it for 1 year or so but last Friday, it finally let go!

I felt really sad when mum told me that the fridge was not working well. After discussing with hubby, we finally decided to get a new fridge rather sending it for repair. For me, it was really hard to let go as it has been there in my kitchen for a good 9 years!

This afternoon, Fisher sent our new fridge and man… I was surprised that my eyes turned red and tears kind of swell up… Strange you might think… sighz… Anyway, I was all smiles when I welcomed my new fridge… it was really handsome but somehow a bit SHORT la… mmmh… guess I am ‘In Love’ again!

1 comment:

moo said...

Finally! Your new fridge! Sure looked handsome to me. :)