He has been here for more than 6 years and he will be leaving us in mid-August. We knew it will be better for him to return to Japan as guess he might find his ‘other half’ there and settled down soon but on the other hand, we will miss working with him. It’s kind of a mixed feeling though…
We brought him to Red House Seafood at Robertson Quay (though he has been there like 3 times) but he still enjoyed the food we ordered for him. The specially chosen set menu at $488+++ was awesome but our Linda would like to try her all time favourite ‘Sweet & Sour Pork’ which was later included into the menu.
We were pretty happy with our choice as all turned out to be great. Our boss ordered the Chinese wine and we all had a share of it. Though I wasn’t the fan of Chinese wine but somehow it didn’t taste that bad after all.
The group totally enjoyed both the food and the conversation with boss and we even tried to find out some information on our new boss. Well… it was while everyone was talking and asking many questions at the same time…. I suddenly called out ‘Hey UNCLE’ to boss and that totally stunned him and everyone! Okay… I was stunned by what I said too but it was very hilarious! Boss said that he shouldn’t be clarified as ‘UNCLE’ yet as he knows I usually called Sukhdev ‘Uncle Suk’… he said he ain’t that old… it was way too finny for everyone to forget that short little ‘mistake’ that I made. Anyway, he mentioned that he was heartbroken but was fine after that la… (I got too used to calling him uncle behind his back… tats why it happened)
After dinner, we moved to Velvet Underground for our 2nd round. Man… we made history last night… it was the 1st time our whole department went partying…
Susan kindly reserved the seats at Velvet Lounge for us and we entered the premises free of charge. When we arrived, the lounge area was still empty though it was around 10ish… Miyazaki-san ordered Champagne for us and it was really nice. Soon after, more drinks were on our table and some of us brought shots for him too. We ordered some shots like; B52, Lemon Drop and tequila pop. Linda wanted to order ‘SEX IN THE CITY’ for him!!! Hahahahaah… it was supposed to be ‘Sex on the beach’ lor…
Velvet is always well-known for good-looking yuppies and gorgeous babes and yes, we all agreed. Just the table opposite us, there was some good looking people there and well; I got the best shot of this cute fellow… hahaahahaha…
Coincidentally, Zouk had an 'Singles' Night' and we brought Miyazaki-san over to try his luck. We were all given a sticker to fill in our name and supposed to stick it on our clothes.
When the music started pumping, Miyazaki-san was the 1st one to get up and walked to the dance floor leaving us behind!!! Man… He is the MAN!!! He started dancing on his own while we followed behind. It was great fun having most of us dancing together for the 1st time at Velvet. Agnes & Miyazaki-san danced their heart out that night like there is no tomorrow. As usual, Agnes’ dance steps went back to the 70s or 80s… I was really afraid that she might twist her neck as she shook them so vigorously.
Guess Miyazaki-san was feeling a little bit tipsy too by the way he danced. He kept using his butt to dance with the ladies and we were sure he had a great time doing that. We danced for a while and went back to drink again.
PK and I had 2 gross experience man… at first, while we were moving back to our seats, one drunkard girl actually puked on me!!! YES… PUKE! I was pissed man… she was drunk and can’t really walked properly and started to puke everywhere… PK got it too and we were pissed with her. I really wanted to punch the daylight out of her but I had to be glam…
Anyway, the 2nd time was while we were heading out from Zouk; this time, some guy puked on PK… right on her right side and it was so gross!!! We just couldn’t understand these useless drinkers… If you can’t drink, don’t act tough and drink!
I was still happy with the party despite the 2 awful experiences. I am definitely gonna miss Miyazaki-san…
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