It was only 2 months back when the family had reunion dinner together but today, hubby broke the news to me that his aunty passed away at 4pm.
Hubby learnt about the incident at 1st during when he did his routine calls to his parents and found out from his mum that his aunt had admitted to hospital after she informed his dad that her head was spinning. When father-in-law reached her place, she was still conscious and could open the door but not the gate.
Unfortunately, she went into a coma when the ambulance arrived. She was sent to SGH and was diagnosed that it was a massive brain stoke that drove her to coma. She had a brain operation to drain off the water and blood clots. She was still in coma when we visited her after the operation. When we saw her in the intensive care unit, my tears simply flowed like a river… it was heart-breaking to see your loved ones suffered in such stage.
At that time, I was reminded of the death of my dad 3 years ago. It was the exact scene that ran in my head and how I went mad when the nurse told us that my dad had passed away. Man… it was so difficult to forget that moment.
I was totally saddened by the news by my hubby like an hour ago after her death though she is not my aunt but I treated her like one. She was the one who taught me how to play the mahjong, went traveling with us to Malaysia and gave us so much courage and support even-though we are still childless. She never failed to talk to me or pray for us whenever she meets us.
Within 2 days, she has gone back to the Lord. Though is really heart-breaking and sad to see her go but we know that she no longer need to suffer and is having peace in heaven.
You will be missed dearly by all of us.