Last evening, we were told to be seated at the ballroom of Conrad Hotel by 6:30pm to wait for our President’s arrival. Well, as usual, the VIPs are late and after the short speech from our GM and President Kojima, 2 of our local staff kicked off with the presentation. The presentations of our office and 8 other subsidiaries dragged on for 1 hour or so. Some of them were very short and good but some were short but bored!

Right after the presentation was over, everyone rushed for the buffet spread as we have to be seated and wait for our president to visit our table. My goodness, everyone was rushing and by the end of 1 hour or so, everyone was already bored with the food and the waiting.
Our table was the last table that President Kojima will visit and we were extremely bored by the wait. Some of us went for which ever round of the desserts and some went down to smoke. My group, as usual, will take the spare time to do silly things like laughing at others, taking pictures and joking with bosses…
When dinner finally ended around 11:15pm after a ‘family picture’ was taken, Angela, Rie, Linda and me went off to MOS. When we reached MOS, I was surprised to see a long queue outside and many were foreigners. As Rie is a member of MOS, she signed us in free.
The music was not fantastically great that night so we ended up at the Retro room instead. The music was pretty alright there but the air was bad. The room was too small to accommodate many and the air-con doesn’t seem to be working well. Despite the horrible air-condition, the crowded dance floor, we stayed there and dance the night away.
We finally got bored after a while and went on to other things… taking PICTURES. Yes, whenever Angie is around, we won’t leave anywhere without taking some photos. None of us drank that night but somehow we behaved like as if we were drunk! We simply did some silly poses and some yuppies who saw us doing that actually thought we were kinda of weird and funny. It was embarrassing but somehow we enjoyed ourselves. We enjoyed the photo taking than the music there that night.
What a Night!
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