Happiest Congratulations to our best friends Zen & Theresa for their lovely 7th Wedding Anniversary!
Theresa was my Maid of Honor during my wedding and we wedded the same year and only a month a part! Truly my best friend and TWIN!
May your love for one another continue to grow till the end of time and may the Lord our God bless you always.
Thank you very much my closest and dearest pal.
I'm so thankful and happy to HIM for bringing us together.
Love you lots.
BaBe, COngRaTuLaTiOn On uR 7tH yRs oF HAppY life PlUS 2 LiTTle PuppIeS mAkINg bOtH Ur lIFe sO HaPpY..
Er...thank you anonymous!
tats Angie la..
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