Our dinner & dance is a yearly affair and at times it can be crazy, at times it can be kind of slack la… This year, we held the event at Swissotel, The Stamford and the ballroom housed about 240 guests.

The Reception-ists

The theme this year was World Carnival and everyone is supposed to wear culture outfits like Kimono for Japanese, Baju Kurung for Malays, Kebaya for Peranakans and Sari for Indians etc…. I wore a modern Indian top with just jeans where I felt most comfortable on. Some of my colleagues wore Cheong Sam, Baju Kurung and in Kimono. It was amazing that some actually dressed to the theme. To some, wearing to the theme is unnecessary and they came in causal outfits.

The night started off as usual with our General Manager, Kitagawa-san’s speech and followed by the ‘Long-Service Awards’. Soon after, we were presented our company’s very own MTV! Yes, it was aired and most of us had a great laugh though the MTV does not make much senses…

Our GM Mr Kitagawa

1st dish was served and soon after, there were games and performance. My colleagues and I were totally turned off by the performance by this ‘LIAN’… that did a very ULTRA stupid stage performance which she called it ‘Para Para’… man… she wasn’t doing any dance but some kind of silly and stupid workout. She then tried to get some men up to stage to perform with her and most of us were bored by that and hoping the performance will end ASAP!! For that moment, I thought I was attending some 7th month Auction dinner at the void-deck!

Dancing Game

Von & Me

Neh, Angie, Von & Me

The Trio

Our Table Group
Then, it came with the 1st staff performance by our fellow colleagues and our GM. They performance ‘Cha Cha Cha’ this year AGAIN and it was relatively quite boring. It wasn’t a Woo-ha thingy and I noticed some staff actually walked out during their performance. Well… what can I say… they aren’t pros so… it aren’t ‘fire-works’ performance.

Cha Cha Cha
Surprising on the 2nd staff performance, we got the whole ballroom clapping and cheering… it was pretty entertaining when 5 male Japanese staffs performed 1st time on stage. It was really good and light to watch. They seemed very happy and all were smiling while they were dancing which was truly entertaining and fun to watch.

The Sunny Boyz


MC prince Charming Nishida-san

awwwhh... so cute..

Very excited...

Mini-fan club

Miyazaki-san enjoying the dance
The performance provided by the entertainment firm was a belly dancer and in the beginning, it was acceptable but it was kind of drag when she came out the 2nd time… sighz… not too sure what was GM thinking… we were all bored by it.

After the belly dancing, we came to the final staff performance and it was by our subsidiary Metal One. They performed a song sang in Mandarin and Japanese. It was alright but the outfit was a huge mismatch! For a moment, we thought it was a bridesmaids singing for the wedding couple!

There was Karaoke Singing Competition which they called it ‘Mitsubishi Idol’. The winner was Sheena & her partner, Angela & Philip came in 2nd and 3rd went to Christine & Mr. Yong.
The best dressed contest was fun where they chose 5 ladies & 5 men. Finally, Evon who dressed like a cow girl won and Baldev in his own culture outfit won for men.

Best dressed Men

Best dressed Ladies
The night ended with the grand lucky draw at the struck of mid-night. Soon after the draw, everyone started to move off and left only a hand full of staff dancing the night away.
Overall, this year’s event is full of performance and hopefully next year will be lesser and no more performance by GM! Hahahaah…. Colleagues, don’t you agree…

Neh & Angie

Angie & Von

The Guyz

Neh & me