Friday, 24 July 2020

Birthday At Jamie’s

July has always been a month of birthday celebrations but this year, due to this stupid Covid-19 situation, there are some restriction on the number of people could gather at a time. Well, since we have moved into Phase 2 of the Circuit Breaker, we are happy that we can finally be out and about to meet our friends whom we have not seen for a long time.

We arranged to meet for dinner at Jamie’s and it was such a wonderful feeling to be able to hang out with friends again though limited numbers. We ordered some dishes, and we did our catch up almost immediately when we met.

There were so much to catch up with each other after not meeting for more than 3 months as we tried to arrange to meet monthly or every 2 months. It was unfortunate that Jessie was not able to join us due to work, but we know we will meet again soon.

We also took the opportunity to celebrate Leng’s birthday and I baked her favourite brownie. 😊 We sang the song as softly as we can and enjoyed the birthday brownie cake as our desserts. Hahahaahahah….

Happy Blessed Birthday Leng and may you HUAT all the way! Wooohooo!

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