My confinement is over and it’s Faith’s full month. Time flies so fast that you did not even noticed that it’s already end of June. Both hubby and I have been busy arranging for her full month party and waiting for RSVP can be quite painful.
Last night, we celebrated her full month at Hort Park which was specially arranged for family and church friends. Most of the slots were taken and we were left with dinner timing which was not too bad too as it was cooling and most families could make it.

Yes, it was a busy evening welcoming family and church friends. We were really blessed with a full attendance and everyone was happy to see Faith. To our surprised, she seemed to be pretty well-behaved… coz’ she is usually cranky in the evening especially when it was almost her bed-time…

This afternoon, we celebrated her Part II of her full month party at Conrad Hotel. We booked the Salon By the Pool and it was really beautifully decorated in the color theme Pink & White. This party was specially arranged for our closed friends and colleagues. The food spread was great and I managed to have some food though I was really busy…

We would like to thank everyone who came for Faith’s full month celebration and the beautiful gifts and ang pows… God bless.