Soon after, I discussed with my buddies in the office and how we should go about planning that for her. Finally, after seven months of anticipating, show began last night!
In the early afternoon, some of us met to check ourselves in at the Fraser Place located at Robertson Walk where all the hippies hang out these days. Linda booked the apartment back in March and we had quite a good deal!
Jessie, Susan & I went grocery shopping for the dinner menu and it was really fun! After tea, we hurried ourselves back to the apartment to prepare the food before it was too late. The rest of the group began to arrive early to help out too. Mummy Florence & I decorated the hall and rooms with balloons while the rest acted as chef in the kitchen. To our surprised, we managed to get the food ready earlier than expected.
Before the arrival of the bride to be, we cleaned up ourselves and we were dressed in our pajamas as that was the theme for the night. It was really funny when we saw each other in their PJs… mmmh… especially Ah Leng (aka Linda Lim)… her PJ was so traditional and SOOOOOO HER! hahahaahahahah…. Damn cute lah.
At about 7pm, the bride-to-be arrived at our door. We checked through the door hole if she was in pajamas as requested before opening the door. When she entered the apartment, we could tell from her expression that she was surprised, overwhelmed and excited about the décor and our arrangements for her. We brought her to the room where she will rest for the night and she simply loved the simple but sweet balloons decors…
After a short speech from her, dinner began! It was a full table of glorious food made by ourselves except for the colorful looking sushi that was sponsored by Agnes. All of us enjoyed dinner slowly and were chatting away.
We began our game session while some were still enjoying their desserts made by mummy Florence and myself. The usual hen’s night Truth or Dare question and answer session! We prepared eight questions for each and it was truly hilarious as Rie actually believed that she was supposed to answer all sixteen questions! We have to salute her for being such a good spot and having the courage to answer all the questions. Steady la AH K!
An hour before it struck midnight, we went to the club Double O to have more fun after our ‘home entertainment’ ended. Surprising it wasn’t as crowded as we expected and we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. We were dancing our hearts out and some of us were enjoying the performers on stage doing their hand movements to every song! That was quite funny!
We went back to the apartment about one in the morning and after taking a hot shower, Jessie & I enjoyed the football match on the couch while some started their mahjong session! It was indeed a wonderful experience and great night spent with friends.
Congratulations Ah K!