Today is somewhat a ‘special’ morning to our GM as he is all set to be a STAR! We are filming our office’s very own MTV. He was the Producer, Director, Planer and Actor. *headache*
Our GM was already very excited for the past few days and had even asked our department what we planned to do for our part in the MTV but somehow not all of us are keen to be on it. To be honest, many of us are camera shy, some just couldn’t be bothered about the shoot and most of us thought it’s a total waste of money.
The camera-man arrived at our office at 10am and began to shoot our ‘STAR’, that’s of course the GM who danced with our colleague Wendy Su in his office. Thereafter, it was our turn (ADM/HR/ENE) to shoot. Though it was kinda silly and not all of us are into it but somehow we managed to pull through that few minutes doing funny dance and actions. That went on to the rest of the departments.
Our GM, being the Director, went round to check on how the rest of the staff ‘performed’ for the shoot. At Chemical Department, he even directed them what to do for their part and they had no choice but to follow his instructions. It was silly but fun to watch.
At the end of it, we were called to his room to have a mass dance where some of us actually enjoyed that coz’ it was our own free-style dancing… though still very silly… hahahaah….
The whole shoot lasted for the whole morning. After editing, it will be shown during our Annual Dinner & Dance! Man… am I going to die laughing or what!!!
Bet u dance well...! ;)
i wanna see! hahaha!
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